Laura’s Art
All Paintings Sold & No Longer Available

With these paintings, you can gaze into their hues of colour and meditate, relax, de-stress, take a break, a ‘spa on the canvas’ break. Regain your energy, become rejuvenated and feel better with these soothing paintings. It is also documented that colour does have a positive effect on our nervous system and helps us to balance, restore and relax.

16×12 Acrylic Paintings on Canvas

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6×9 Acrylic Paintings on Canvas

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36×12 Acrylic Paintings on Canvas

Laura’s Inspiration

Painting has become another expression of Laura’s improvised way of life. She has discovered a magical component to letting things evolve naturally and organically. This approach has informed both her music, her training and her independent film-making. Her collection of improvised paintings can be viewed at the University Faculty Club, August 2014.

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